We at Rabata voice our support for policies and programs that promote gun control and prevent gun violence. We grieve the death, injury and emotional pain caused by gun violence in the United States and call upon women and men to work together against gun violence.
As Muslims we are called upon to enjoin what is good and virtuous and to shun that which is ugly and immoral. Gun violence killed over 100,000 people in the last decade, which is four Pearl Harbors a year. This amount of violence is unacceptable.
Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, when asked about the best of deeds, “Spread peace, feed people, and pray at night when others sleep.” We hope to pay heed to his words and spread peace on our streets, in our neighborhoods, and at home by standing against gun violence.
Raise your voice against gun violence and be proactive for peace:
- Find out how your local government leaders vote on gun violence issues.
- During election periods, listen and ask questions about candidates’ stand on gun violence.
- Attend a local event against gun violence.
- Write a blog post about the dangers of gun violence.
- Share a personal story about your own encounters with gun violence.
- Reach out and help the victims of gun violence.