Student of the Month – October

Meet our Ribaat student, a California native who found her way to Islam and now calls Europe home. After years of living in Spain, Denmark, and currently the Netherlands, Dawn Broadbridge enjoys a blend of cultures and languages. Fluent in English and Spanish, she also dabbles in Dutch, French, Portuguese, and Catalán. However, her heart always seeks the warmth and sunshine of Spain and California whenever she can escape the cool northern European climate.

Dawn spent many years in corporate communications but realized her values were being compromised. This revelation led her to leave corporate life and pursue something more meaningful. Today, she’s in the process of setting up her own communications business, which aims to provide strategic communication coaching for Muslimah entrepreneurs, as well as services in copywriting, editing, and proofreading. Her goal? To choose projects and people who align with her values.

A New Journey Begins: Ribaat from the Start

Dawn’s introduction to Ribaat came just weeks after taking her shahadah, with the Project Lina course during the summer of 2022. It was a pivotal moment in her journey as a new Muslimah, offering her guidance and inspiration. Reflecting on her journey, she says, “Ribaat has been part of my life as a Muslim since the very beginning! It’s not a long journey so far, but it has been intense and beautiful.”

Her connection to Rabata first came through the Ustadhas at the Rahmah Foundation in California, who provided her with key advice as she embraced Islam. She quickly found herself in awe of the accomplished women scholars she met, all of whom balanced their Islamic teachings with professional success, family life, and leadership roles in their communities. Their dedication and influence shattered her misconceptions about the role of women in Islam. 

Dawn recalls, “I couldn’t believe it when I found out Rabata was founded by an American convert. I am in love with Anse Tamara’s story.”

A Deep Dive into Learning

One of her earliest courses, Foundations, Flounderings & Faith with Anse Tamara, came right before her first Ramadan. The course material, combined with candid Q&A sessions, provided the spiritual boost she needed. “Learning directly from Anse Tamara is such a blessing. I still go back to my notes from that course,” she shares.

Among the highlights of her Ribaat experience has been her Arabic studies with Anse Saimah. Despite studying other languages, Dawn finds Arabic uniquely fulfilling. “It’s an incredibly beautiful language that allows me to read the word of our Lord in the language in which it was revealed.” She now feels confident reading and understanding the Quran in Arabic, deepening her relationship with the Quran and Sunnah and, by extension, with Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Arabic learning, she notes, has been rigorous yet immensely rewarding. With every new vocabulary word and grammar lesson, her confidence grows. By the end of her novice courses, she and her classmates were often amazed at how much they had absorbed in just six weeks.

Looking Forward

Dawn’s aspirations for Islamic studies are clear: she plans to continue her Arabic journey and hopes to take tajwīd and tafsīr classes soon. In the long run, she dreams of studying Hadīth and the Sīra. Although time zones and a busy schedule present their challenges, she is determined to make it work, focusing on the Quran for now. Perhaps, in the future, we’ll even see her teaching as part of the Ribaat or Rabata team.

“I dare to dream that someday I will be able to teach in some capacity, to share what I have learned from my teachers. Allah knows best.”

Outside of her studies, Dawn channels her creativity through photography. Capturing the world around her, especially women in a modest way, is something that brings her joy. An aspiring kickboxer (though she doesn’t fight), she’s also trying to enjoy running — a goal she hasn’t quite conquered yet. Nature is her solace, and walking on the beach with her dog offers peaceful moments of reflection. As a recent convert, she understands the controversy surrounding dogs in Islam but mentions it briefly, acknowledging the emotions and opinions it may stir up.

Her journey, from a corporate communicator to a Muslimah dedicated to learning and teaching, reflects the beauty of personal transformation. We’re so happy to be growing and journeying alongside you, Dawn! May Allah keep us close to all our Anisāt. 

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