
Welcome to Ramadan with Rabata

An Elevated Experience for Women Around the World​

Masjid Rabata, a tarbiyah program under Rabata, provides a safe, uplifting, and joyful space for women to bring faith to life. Throughout the year, Masjid Rabata programs include weekly qiyams, monthly open talks, special pop-up sessions, and more. During Ramadan, Masjid Rabata expands its offerings to help women around the world to make the most of this month.

Rabata is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating positive cultural change through creative educational experiences. Donate to help us sustain programs in the areas of Education, Spirituality, and Community for Muslim Women.

Only one signup required to receive Zoom links for all events below.
Daily Quran Recitations

Abu Huraira (rA) said:
The Prophet ﷺ would review the Quran once every year in Ramadan, and he reviewed it twice in the year he passed away. The Prophet would retreat in the mosque for ten days every year, and he secluded himself for twenty days in the year he passed away. (Bukhari)

In light of this hadith, and knowing this to be a month in which the Quran was revealed, Masjid Rabata aims to make this a month of increased recitation. As the Prophet ﷺ would complete a reading of the Quran from cover-to-cover (khitma) each year, we too strive to do the same.

At Masjid Rabata, we offer daily recitations at two different paces to accommodate women wherever they are on their path.

At 11AM CST daily, for the ones more familiar and fluid in their recitation, we invite them to follow along in confidence with our world-renowned, traditionally-trained women reciters.

At 12PM CST daily, we then offer a recitation at a slower-pace to the comfort of women who are on their Quran reading journeys.

Join these sessions for extra encouragement and support as we work towards a khitma this Ramadan.

Daily Quran Reflections

As we dedicate ourselves to the recitation of the Quran, we also take the month of Ramadan as a time of tafakkur (reflection). Every evening, Anse Dr. Tamara Gray, Rabata co-founder and Chief Spirituality Officer, streams live on Instagram with her “Juz a Day” reflection.

This year, as we reflect on our years as an organization and the new summits we hope to traverse in establishing Muslim women’s education, Anse Tamara’s daily series will offer us a Mountain View perspective, as derived from the Quran.

Khitma Collection

As many work towards complete readings throughout Ramadan, we invite our community to download the Rabata Ibadah App to add their completed reading to our Khitma Collection.

The Rabata Ibadah App merges the need for spiritual accountability and heightened worship plans with the convenience and ease of the digital world. With the option to track different daily challenges, your successes and areas of improvement, the Rabata Ibadah App will revolutionize the way you approach your spiritual development.

The yearly Khitma Collection allows us to witness the spiritual fortitude and practices of Muslim women all around the world.

Be inspired by the strong, long legacy of women worshippers.

Khitma Dua

The close Companions of the Prophet ﷺ would make dua (supplication) upon a complete reading of the Quran, considering it a time of special reward and acceptance. Anas bin Malik (rA) was one Companion known for gathering his family to join him in a khitma dua.

Each year, Masjid Rabata hosts two Khitma Dua sessions, from which women have witnessed dua accepted in miraculous ways. All women are welcome to join, and submit their dua requests (for a limited time during the session), regardless of whether they managed to finish a complete reading or not.

In this live-streamed session from Rabata Cultural Center, with the blessings of all teh completed readings, Anse Dr. Tamara Gray leads the women in collective dua from the Quran and Hadith, and the requested dua of those in attendance.

These faith-fortifying sessions will run on Sunday, March 9 and Saturday, March 29, and we invite you to join us and witness the power of dua.

Sunday Halaqa at the RCC

Every Sunday throughout the year, Rabata Cultural Center hosts a Women’s Halaqa. This Ramadan, Anse Dr. Tamara Gray will continue these sessions, and it will be live-streamed via Masjid Rabata.

Badr Commemoration

On the 17th of Ramadan, the Muslim army, fortified by their unwavering faith and determination, stood before a formidable enemy. After a night in dua and a day in a valiant battle, this small army returned victorious and changed the course of history after the Battle of Badr.

The Battle of Badr marked a critical turning point for the nascent Muslim community. With 313 Muslims against 1000 Quraysh, the odds were stacked against them. However, they prevailed.

At a time when we feel we face insurmountable odds, come hear from Anse Randa Mardini, modern sira scholar, share about this momentous occasion and leave us inspired.

Anse Randa Mardini serves as an instructor in the field of Sira at the Ribaat Academic Institute. She joins Ribaat with extensive studies in all of the fields of Islamic Studies and holds a degree in electronic engineering from Damascus University. Additionally, she holds ijāza (verified certifications) in Quran in the Hafs recitation and is an accredited and experienced educator.

Anse Randa has studied the full curriculum of Islamic sacred texts and subjects including Shāfiʿī jurisprudence (fiqh), Islamic theology (ʿaqīda), Quranic sciences (tafsīr and tajwīd), Arabic grammar (naḥū), geography of the Muslim world, Islamic civilization and culture, Islamic history and classical methods of spiritual growth (tazkiya). Her specialty area is the sīra of the Prophet ﷺ, in which she has done extensive research since the 1990’s.

She has been part of many efforts to teach and spread knowledge of the Prophet’s life and lessons learned from it, including curriculum programs, an Arabic and English software “Prophets & Messengers in the Shade of Islam”, and the translation of “A Compendium of the Sources on the Prophetic Narrative”. She has taught in schools and masjids in Damascus for many years.

Anse Randa has been teaching Sīra with Ribaat since 2018.

I’tikaf Nights

Ibn ‘Umar (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to observe i’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. (Muslim)

I’tikaf is the act of staying in the masjid, engaged in worship, devoting time to Allah, and away from worldly distractions.

In following the example of the Prophet ﷺ, Muslims all around the world perform i’tikaf in local mosques. For women, to do so, can be a challenge for various reasons, and so, our scholars have taught us that we can make i’tikaf in our homes.

Choose a place for prayer in your home, and when you enter it for i’tikaf, intend the act by saying “this is my masjid, and I will make i’tikaf in it.”

To support women around the world, performing i’tikaf in their homes, Masjid Rabata provides an online space nightly for the last 10 nights. These are gatherings of recitation, recommended personal worship, dhikr, nasheeds, inspirational reminders, and more. Each year, women attest to the power of these nightly gatherings, finding the ability to spend more time in worship than if they spent the night alone.We invite you to witness the uplifting power of our digital spiritual community.

Sessions run this Ramadan at 12:45AM CST, from March 20 to March 29.

Ramadan Ready with Ribaat

Elevate your Ramadan this year with Ribaat’s Ramadan Ready Workshop 

With Ramadan here, we invite you to step into all the potential this month presents. 

This recorded workshop will provide you with all the skills and tips you need to optimize your Ramadan this year. 

From fiqh (rules/rulings) of fasting and spiritual preparation to physical and nutritional care, our panel of Rabata Instructors and teachers will help you set your goals, determine a plan, and help you realize an elevated Ramadan experience.

In-Person Events at RCC

In search of a spiritually-uplifting place to spend your Ramadan this year with women?

Rabata Cultural Center welcomes women from all over the world to join its Ramadan programming in-person.

With nightly tarawih, weekly iftars, i’tikaf and more, we invite you to visit us this year and to spend in your time around women in worship.

The fun and preparation starts even before Ramadan. Look over the event calendar and save the post for easy reference.

Come join us for any of our programs at the RCC. For those out-of-town, schedule a visit by emailing scheduling@rabata.org.

Invite the teen ladies in your life to an uplifting and elevated experience this Ramadan
RabaTEENS brings meaningful topics, under the guidance of compassionate and encouraging mentors, to your home. Muslim girls, ages 12 to 17, are invited to join this four-week minimester in this nurturing space throughout Ramadan.
Courses offered this Ramadan:
  • Soul Scribbles: Ramadan Journaling
  • Ramadan Across Borders: Traditions and Tales
  • Ramadan Nasheed Club
  • Ramadan Quran Khitmah 2025
  • Ramadan Rhythm: Managing Time and Purpose
  • Let’s Get Ramadan Ready
  • Close-knit Knitting in Ramadan
  • The Guided Hearts: Quran Recitation
Registration for Ramadan classes is open now.
Help your children connect to Ramadan in new ways this year with the Dragonflies special 4-week Ramadan Term!
 With amazing, gentle teachers leading the way in sharing their love for Allah and His Prophet ﷺ, students leave class feeling uplifted, connected to their faith, and firm in their identity
Registration for Ramadan classes is opens now.
Ribaat Ramadan Challenge
Ribaat Academic Institute invites you to a Ramadan Challenge! This Ramadan, take part in daily challenges of putting faith into practice, and enter a chance to win a $100 voucher to Ribaat courses.
Every day, a new challenge will be offered. Complete the challenge and leave a comment on the post once done for an entry into the raffle.
The more challenges you complete and comment on, the more entries, and the better chance at winning!
Join us this Ramadan as we challenge ourselves to live our faith. Challenge is only on Instagram.
It’s here! The much-anticipated and much-loved Rabata Ramadan Auction!
Each year, our wonderful community members come together to offer unique, hard-to-come-by items, to strengthen Rabata as it reaches new heights.
We have some amazing items already listed (one-on-one sessions with Anse Tamara, world-famous recipes, beautiful artwork), with more on the way!
Set your proxy bids, your timers, and find the perfect gift for yourself or another this Ramadan. This is the best gift-giving, where you’re simultaneously supporting Rabata, investing in your akhira, and gifting a loved one (or yourself).
Support Rabata this Ramadan
Over ten years, Rabata has become a leading organization in Muslim women’s scholarship. Join us as we climb to new summits to sustain our programs, and to expand reach and impact.
Together, we can move mountains and lay the foundations for mountains that will last generations.
This year, we aim to raise $750,000 to support us in our annual sustainability and 140 NEW monthly donors at $40, in honor of Anse Dr. Tamara Gray’s 40th Shahadaversary.
Join us in create a lasting future for Muslim women scholarship inshallah.
RabataCare is Rabata’s program with the sole focus of collecting and distributing zakat funds to women in need. Rabata does not use zakat funds for operational expenses.
RabataCare helps women by alleviating the difficult circumstances they face with the hope to elevate them. You can give with comfort knowing that all of your zakat goes directly to those in need.


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