Nour Cauveren is the author of Sunday Serenity, a weekly newsletter that helps fellow Muslims bridge the gap between knowledge and action—making the lessons from Islam practical for everyday life. Before becoming a writer, she was a certified life coach who worked with hundreds of women. However, she made the difficult decision to step away from coaching to focus on writing full-time, especially after the idea for her book, Becoming a Tranquil Soul: 5 Habits to Focus a Distracted Heart, emerged in Ramadan 1444 AH (2023). Though the transition was daunting, writing has brought her deep fulfillment. She finds immense joy when readers connect with Sunday Serenity and share how her words have impacted them.
Nour’s journey with Tajwid followed a similar path of perseverance. Before joining the Ribaat Academic Institute, her learning was scattered and unstructured, and she struggled with correct recitation. Despite the challenges, she remained determined, exploring different programs and making slow but steady progress. The major shift came when she began Tajwid classes with Ribaat.
Her first class, Quran Fluency, coincided with a difficult period—her grandmother, who had raised her, was in her final days. Yet, the class became an anchor, providing structure and drawing her closer to Allah. By the time she reached Tajwid 202, she experienced a real transformation. Though her recitation still needed improvement, she gained confidence, and what once felt impossible now seemed within reach.
When she started Tajwid 301, doubts resurfaced. The precision required felt overwhelming, and she worried about not measuring up. However, she remained steadfast, made dua, and renewed her intentions. Over time, her confidence grew. Then, at the end of December 2024, an unexpected event changed everything—she faced a near-death experience following emergency surgery. That moment brought clarity: time is not guaranteed, and nothing matters more than returning to Allah in a state that pleases Him.
Reflecting on this, Nour was reminded of the words in Surah Ar-Rahman: “Every being on earth is bound to perish.” (55:26)
The realization that doubt had been holding her back from striving for good was profound. She resolved not to let it stand in her way anymore, inshallah.
One of the most impactful lessons Nour learned at Ribaat came through the course, Tadabbur. Before, she had never noticed the deep connection between Surah Ad-Duhaa and Surah Ash-Sharh—how Allah comforts through hardship and reminds us that ease follows difficulty. After the Tadabbur class, she saw it clearly: the Quran is not just a book to recite, but a guide, a companion, and a mercy.
Looking ahead, Nour hopes to pursue the ijaza track with Ribaat. For her, an ijaza is more than a certification—it is about being part of the sacred chain that connects back to the Prophet ﷺ. More than anything, her greatest goal is to embody the Quran in her daily life, striving to follow the path of the Prophet ﷺ, as Aisha (rA) described him: “The Quran walking.”
Alhamdulillah for everything, Nour reflects, especially for the trials that bring her closer to Allah ﷻ. The awareness that Allah is always near—closer than the jugular vein—moves her deeply. As a child, she often wondered why there was no guidebook for life. Then, she opened the Quran and found her answer:
“This is the Book! There is no doubt about it—a guide for those mindful of Allah.” (2:2)
For this reason, Nour chose a photo of herself with the Quran. Her brother once asked why she kept getting new copies when she already owned several. Her response was simple—she loves the Quran. Holding different musahif (compiled copies of the Quran) gives her a sense of intimacy with the words of Allah, her constant companion in life. It is the one truth that never fails her, always providing guidance, reassurance, and answers to all her questions, fears, doubts, hopes, and dreams. Most importantly, it teaches her how to live a life most pleasing to Allah ﷻ.
May Allah always keep you close and fulfil your good intentions of completing the ijaza certification, Nour! Ameen.