Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray

Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray

Founder & Chief Spirituality Officer

Dr. Tamara Gray is a founder of Rabata, an organization dedicated to promoting positive cultural change through creative educational experiences. She holds a doctorate in leadership from the University of St. Thomas, a master’s degree in Curriculum Theory and Instruction from Temple University, and spent twenty years studying traditional and classical Islamic sciences, Quran, and Arabic in Damascus, Syria.

Dr. Gray worked in the field of education for twenty-five years before moving into the non-profit world. She is now both the Executive Director of Rabata and its Chief Spirituality Officer. Her work includes the daily nitty gritty of project design as well as the support and mentorship of hundreds of women around the world. She is the instructor for more than ten subjects at Ribaat, teaches RabaTeens, and contributes to curriculum development.

Dr. Gray is also an author and translator. Her publications range from several culturally appropriate English language curriculum programs to translations of sacred texts. She has authored two books: Joy Jots: Exercises for a happy heart & Project Lina: Bringing our whole selves to Islam, and co-translated the Mukhtasir al-Jami’ fi al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya by Samīra Zayid [Compendium of the Collection of Sources on al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya]

She also serves as both faculty and an academic council member for The Islamic Seminary of America, teaches at the United Theological Seminary of the TwinCities and is a  Senior Fellow at the Yaqeen Institute.  She has recently joined the Fiqh council of North America in addition to her other responsibilities.

Dr. Tamara is a mother of three, grandmother of two, an avid reader and a lover of cultures, people, coffee and food.

Recorded Speaking Engagements
Celebrate Mercy: Journey with the Prophet ﷺ series – Lessons from Badr & Uhud
Celebrate Mercy: Journey with the Prophet ﷺ series – Islam goes Public in Mecca
Celebrate Mercy: Night of Remembrance (12th of Rabi’ul Awwal program)

Celebrate Mercy: Journey with the Prophet ﷺ Series – Seeing Him in Dreams & His Role in the Next Life ﷺ


Celebrate Mercy: Journey with the Prophet ﷺ Series – His Generosity and Humility
Celebrate Mercy: Welcoming Rabi’ul Awwal
Celebrate Mercy: Finding Forgiveness Arafah day webinar
Celebrate Mercy: Days of Divine Love webinar
Celebrate Mercy: Remembering Badr
Celebrate Mercy: Ramadan Resolutions Webinar
Muslim Converts Association of Singapore: Know Islam & Know Yourself: A Spiritual Responsibility
Wisdom Ways: Women in Islam
Concordia College: The Islamic Legacy of Education and Spiritual Upbringing
ISRA Academy: Islamic Scholarship in the West
Female Scholars Network: Holding on to the Rope of Allah
Jannah Institute: A Year of Worship
Maristan Healing Circle: Navigating Family Dynamics
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 1 – Why Tahajjud
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 2 – The Sincere Prayer
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 3 – Turning to Tahajjud in Hard Times
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 4 – How to Pray Tahajjud
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 5 – Benefits of Tahajjud Habit
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 6 – How to Wake Up for Tahajjud
Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society Episode 5 – Benefits of Tahajjud Habit

Yaqeen Institute: Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society
Episode 6 – How to Wake Up for Tahajjud

Islam Channel: Muharram: The month of Allah Part 1
Islam Channel: Muharram: The month of Allah Part 2
UK Ramadan Radio: Ramadan Reading Retreat
Haute Hijab: Fatimah al-Zahraa’
Celebrate Mercy: Remembering Badr
Lamppost Education Initiative: Women around the Prophet Musa
Ramadan Tent Project: Leadership & Creativity
Launchgood: Zakat
Celebrate Mercy: Reflections on the Israa & Miraaj
ISNA: The Prophet (S) as Teacher and Guide
Celebrate Mercy: Rabi’ul awwal nightly series – First revelation and Early Muslims
Celebrate Mercy: Friday Reflections Surah Kahf Commentary and Khutba
Muslim Community Center Chicago: Our Mother Sarah
CAIR-MN: Condemning Islamophobia, racism and bigotry
ISNA and FCNA: Fiqh of Hajj and Eidul Adha
Celebrate Mercy: Battle of Badr
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU): Creating a More Welcoming Mosque for Converts
Yaqeen Institute: Qur’an Reflections on Fortitude, Gratitude and the Sweetness of Sujood
Manitoba Islamic Association: Battle of Badr
Islamic Center of Johnson County: Ramadan as a University
ISNA: Making the Most of Ramadan and this Unique Eid
Columbia University MSA: Building resilience and Istiqama
Yaqeen Institute: Nightly Qur’an Reflections series – Juz 4
Celebrate Mercy: Ramadan Resolutions
ADAMS center Qurtuba Institute: Qur’an & Qiyam

CAIR National: Pre-Ramadan and navigating uncertainty

Articles by Anse Tamara Gray
Standing in the Chaos: Cross – cultural Competency in Curriculum Materials
The Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice // Volume 3, issue 1
Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society
Teaching from the Tent: Muslim Women’s Leadership in Digital Religion
Courage and Commitment: The Femininity of Muslim Women
Anse’s blogs
Sifting Through Mixed Messages: Gender Bias in Islamic Studies Curriculum Materials
Unmosqued, film review
Ribaat Blog
Prayer and Labor and Delivery
Pregnancy and Prayer
Are you on Vacation?
Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World
Interviews & Podcasts
DoubleTake Yaqeen Podcast: Why am I sinning if Shaytan is locked up in #Ramadan
Yaqeen Institute – Sincerely, Tamara Gray
Leaving Christianity for Islam, Women in Mosques, Making Prayer a Must
By Fatima Barkatulla
Changing Views on Female Islamic Scholarship: Talking with Anse Tamara Gray
By Nargis Hakim Rahman

Living and Learning with Tamara Gray
By Baraka Blue

Empowering Women’s Voices & Scholarship
By Imanwire

Don’t Be a Victim
By Imanwire

Changing religions, changing names

Greed for Ilm Podcast
By Walid

Anse Dr. Tamara Gray: Esteemed Teacher, Compassionate Mentor, And The Life Long Student. The Aida Azlin Show

Does Praying Tahajjud Make a Difference? DoubleTake with Yaqeen Institute
Islamic Mahr Contracts: Why Mahr is a Muslim Woman’s Right w/ Dr. Tamara Gra‪y‬
Philosophy of Islamic Education in the West
The Almanac Show – Twin Cities PBS

New Beginnings: Islam vs Culture

Voices of Islam New Zealand: Favorite Quran verse

Islamic Center of Greater Toledo: Gems: Cultivating Spiritual Sorority & Fraternity with Shaykha Tamara Gray

How an American Woman Became a Muslim Scholar: Dr. Tamara Gray

Special Interview between Anse Dr. Tamara Gray and IKIMfm: Chasing Dreams: Empowering Women to Achieve Big

Lamppost Education Initiative: Talking with Teachers: Shaykha Tamara Gray

Anse Tamara and Rabata in the Media
Statement Against Domestic Violence: The Female Scholarship Network
Moral Support: How we raise a ‘good person’ in fractured times By Mary Beth McCauley
9 Female of Scholars of Islam, Quran and Hadith You Need to be Following By Layla Abdullah-Poulos
How Rabata is Cultivating Female Scholars and More Importantly – Learned Leaders By Layla Abdullah-Poulos
The 100 Most Innovative Global Muslim Startups to Watch in 2022 & the 200+ Global Investment Firms Funding Them By Dustin Craun
Rabata, Henna & Hijabs named to innovative ‘Muslim Startups’ list By Naasir Akailvi
Beyond Stereotypes: Daybreak Press Aims to Broaden Depiction of Muslims in Minneapolis School Books
Muslim Women Renew Calls for More Inclusive Programs as Mosques Reopen
By Rowaida Abdelaziz
Breast Cancer in the Muslim Community: Challenges and Opportunity
By Samana Siddiqui
The Arabic Community and RI Public Schools
By Melanie Magidow
A Woman’s Place at the Mosque
By Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil
Conference Report on Spiritual Abuse: Education and Prevention for our Communities
By Afshan M. Malik
What does it mean to be a Convert
By Claudia Seise
International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development: “Faith, Feminism and Human Rights” and “Unlocking the Power of Faith-Based Partnerships”
Exercises for a Happy Heart: Anse Tamara Gray
By khidmat

Jewish-Catholic Relations- Learning How to Talk to Each Other

When your child is called a terrorist
By Tayyaba Syed
Women’s History Month with Author and Educator
By Umm Juwayriyah
Why I believe its a critical time for the rise of both muslim and female writers
By Nahela Morales
Stories in the Attic: Unleashing the Treasures Within: Third Annual Daybreak Press Muslim Women’s Literary Conference
By Suzana Nabil Saad
50 over 50
American Muslim Networks and Neotraditionalism
By Brendan Peter Newlon
Saving Superwoman and I’ll Add Superman too
By wbabdullah
This is what the day of Arafa means for Muslim women
By Hasnaa Mokhtar
Do we really need more creative spaces for Muslim women writers
By Shireen Hakim
Anse Tamara Gray: Building Brave New Spaces
“Strength in Islam Comes from Knowledge” – Bringing Back the Esteem of Muslim Women
Scholars Endorse Statement on the Full Inclusion of Women in Mosques
In its 10th year, the game ‘Pilgrims at Home’ takes on new meaning for Muslim women
By Aysha Khan
Women Seek Diverse Paths to Leadership in Islamic Spaces By Mariam Fam of The Associated Press and Aysha Khan of Religion News Service
Stories of 20 More Mighty Muslim Heroes By Tamara Haque – Olive Tree Books
Consider the Women: a provocative guide to three matriarchs of the Bible By Debbie Blue

Hijab and the Role of Influencers: Social Media’s Influence on Practicing Faith

Recorded Speaking Engagements



UK Ramadan Radio: Ramadan Reading Retreat


Haute Hijab: Fatimah al-Zahraa’


Celebrate Mercy: Remembering Badr


Lamppost Education Initiative: Women around the Prophet Musa


Ramadan Tent Project: Leadership & Creativity


Launchgood: Zakat


Celebrate Mercy: Reflections on the Israa & Miraaj


ISNA: The Prophet (S) as Teacher and Guide


Celebrate Mercy: Rabi’ul awwal nightly series – First revelation and Early Muslims


Celebrate Mercy: Friday Reflections Surah Kahf Commentary and Khutba


Muslim Community Center Chicago: Our Mother Sarah


CAIR-MN: Condemning Islamophobia, racism and bigotry


ISNA and FCNA: Fiqh of Hajj and Eidul Adha


Yaqeen Institute: Qur’an Reflections on Fortitude, Gratitude and the Sweetness of Sujood


Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU): Creating a More Welcoming Mosque for Converts


Celebrate Mercy: Battle of Badr


Manitoba Islamic Association: Battle of Badr


Islamic Center of Johnson County: Ramadan as a University


ISNA: Making the Most of Ramadan and this Unique Eid


Columbia University MSA: Building resilience and Istiqama


Yaqeen Institute: Nightly Qur’an Reflections series – Juz 4


Celebrate Mercy: Ramadan Resolutions


ADAMS center Qurtuba Institute: Qur’an & Qiyam


Celebrate Mercy: Ramadan Resolutions


CAIR National: Pre-Ramadan and navigating uncertainty


Philandure Malaysia: Motivation and self-help



Articles by Anse Tamara Gray



Standing in the Chaos: Cross – cultural Competency in Curriculum Materials

The Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice // Volume 3, issue 1


Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society


Teaching from the Tent: Muslim Women’s Leadership in Digital Religion


Courage and Commitment: The Femininity of Muslim Women


Anse’s blogs


Can We Deliver on Behalf of the Prophet? Six Ways to Spread the Message of Islam


Off to University! Ramadan Has Begun


Hamra’ al-Asad: Three Ways to Face Defeat


Muslim Women in Leadership: Nana Asma’u, Daughter of the Shehu


Sifting Through Mixed Messages: Gender Bias in Islamic Studies Curriculum Materials


Unmosqued, film review


Ribaat Blog


Prayer and Labor and Delivery


Pregnancy and Prayer


Are you on Vacation?



Interviews & Podcasts



The Aida Azlin Show


Feel Good Muslim with Sister Lauren Booth – Anse Tamara Gray


Leaving Christianity for Islam, Women in Mosques, Making Prayer a Must

By Fatima Barkatulla


Changing Views on Female Islamic Scholarship: Talking with Anse Tamara Gray

By Nargis Hakim Rahman


Living and Learning with Tamara Gray 

By Baraka Blue


Empowering Women’s Voices & Scholarship 

By Imanwire


Don’t Be a Victim 

By Imanwire


Changing religions, changing names


Greed for Ilm Podcast 

By Walid


Anse Dr Tamara Gray: Esteemed Teacher, Compassionate Mentor, And The Life Long Student The Aida Azlin Show


Does Praying Tahajjud Make a Difference?

DoubleTake with Yaqeen Institute


Islamic Mahr Contracts: Why Mahr is a Muslim Woman’s Right w/ Dr. Tamara Gra‪y‬ 


Philosophy of Islamic Education in the West 


The Almanac Show – Twin Cities PBS 



Anse Tamara and Rabata in the Media



Beyond Stereotypes: Daybreak Press Aims to Broaden Depiction of Muslims in Minneapolis School Books


Muslim Women Renew Calls for More Inclusive Programs as Mosques Reopen

By Rowaida Abdelaziz


Breast Cancer in the Muslim Community: Challenges and Opportunity 

By Samana Siddiqui


The Arabic Community and RI Public Schools

By Melanie Magidow


A Woman’s Place at the Mosque 

By Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil


Conference Report on Spiritual Abuse: Education and Prevention for our Communities

By Afshan M. Malik


What does it mean to be a Convert 

By Claudia Seise


International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development: “Faith, Feminism and Human Rights” and “Unlocking the Power of Faith-Based Partnerships”


Exercises for a Happy Heart: Anse Tamara Gray

By khidmat


Changes within us – Ibadah as training for the body and the soul 

By Leila A.


When your child is called a terrorist 

By Tayyaba Syed


Women’s History Month with Author and Educator 

By Umm Juwayriyah


Why I believe its a critical time for the rise of both muslim and female writers 

By Nahela Morales


Stories in the Attic: Unleashing the Treasures Within: Third Annual Daybreak Press Muslim Women’s Literary Conference

By Suzana Nabil Saad


50 over 50


American Muslim Networks and Neotraditionalism 

By Brendan Peter Newlon


Parliament of World Religions


Jewish-Catholic Relations- Learning How to Talk to Each Other


Saving Superwoman and I’ll Add Superman too 

By wbabdullah


This is what the day of Arafa means for Muslim women 

By Hasnaa Mokhtar


Do we really need more creative spaces for Muslim women writers

By Shireen Hakim


Anse Tamara Gray: Building Brave New Spaces


“Strength in Islam Comes from Knowledge” – Bringing Back the Esteem of Muslim Women


Scholars Endorse Statement on the Full Inclusion of Women in Mosques


In its 10th year, the game ‘Pilgrims at Home’ takes on new meaning for Muslim women

By Aysha Khan

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