
Ribaat Student of the Month – July 

The multi-talented, multi-faceted, life-long learner Eva Sasa seeks any opportunity for growth and development she can find. So, in the summer of 2020, when two separate friends shared information about Rabata, Eva could not help but delve deeper. She started attending the Masjid Rabata weekly Qiyam, where she fell in love with the dhikr and atmosphere.  Knowing she found her community, she soon registered for her first classes with the Ribaat Academic Institute.

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Interfaith Dialogue: Lessons for Students and Teachers

Last week I had the opportunity to join an interfaith dialogue organized by the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies. Bringing together ten students from each faith tradition, the ICJS held a 4-day intensive course called Emerging Religious Leaders. The course allowed students who are training to be religious leaders to learn about each other’s faiths, ask questions, find similarities and differences in their belief systems, and share their experiences as people of faith in today’s world.

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Student of the Month – June

When Nigora Aminova left Tajikistan in 2017, she hoped to live a life more authentically aligned with her Islamic values and faith. Whether she expected that would result in  one day teaching sisters in her home country was not clear. However, it became an inevitable opportunity after being introduced to the Ribaat Academic Institute by her dear cousin and Rabata communications expert, Umeda. In 2020, Nigora registered for her first classes, setting her on a path of joy-filled faith. 

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Student of the Month – May

Noor Ahmed, homeschooling mother of four and nature lover, ventured on the path of Islamic learning with Ribaat in the Summer of 2022. With less than a year at Ribaat, Noor quickly noticed the impact of the Anisaat and classes on her life, describing it as though she was once swimming in darkness but now finally able to see. She identifies it as her “mommy fuel”, filling her up from the inside out, so she can better serve her family and her Lord.

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Teaching Digital Natives in an In-Person World

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the ISNA Education Conference in Chicago. It was an eye-opening experience to meet all the Islamic school leaders and teachers who attended, and to hear about the amount of work they are doing and their efforts to provide a solid education and safe spaces for Muslim youth around the United States. My contribution was a presentation about integrating technology into education. My belief is that this is not only a cool, fun, and effective way to learn, but also a necessary addition to our curricula.

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The Month of Giving

Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺. So whoever is present this month, let them fast. But whoever is ill or on a journey, then ˹let them fast˺ an equal number of days ˹after Ramadan˺. Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful. (Al-Baqarah: 185)

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Student of the Month – April

Justice advocate by day, Ribaat student by night. Kamilah Pickett, inspired by her faith, leverages her degrees in Public Health and Law to uplift underserved communities throughout the nation with her policy work, racial equity consulting, youth special needs advocacy, and so much more. Along with these efforts, she can also be found contributing to numerous noble endeavors around the country in the pursuit of justice, such as Believers Bail Out. In the midst of these pursuits and possibly even inspired by it, Kamilah longed for a more formal way of Islamic learning.

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Announcement: March 2023 Student Of The Month Heather Mahmoud (Photo of Heather smiling with her daughter in front of a waterfall)

Student of the Month – March

Heather Mahmoud joined Rabata only two years ago, but her impact and presence can be seen in many of its spaces. Heather started classes with Ribaat in Spring of 2021 with a student-favorite, PUR 101: Training the Tongue, Purifying the Heart with Anse Marah. She credits this course as the catalyst for the best Ramadan of her life in 2021 and determined herself to pursue the Teacher Certification, insha’Allah.

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Might & Light Maryam's Single Motherhood / "This is the lesson we can take rom this beautiful role model for single mothers of all time; that is was Allah caring for, raising, and protecting our children from the minute we met them, whether we were single or not, and that He will continue to."

Role Model for Single Mothers: Testimony of a Single Mother

This article was published as part of Masjid Rabata’s Annual Maryam (as) Seminar, Might and Light: Maryam’s Single Motherhood, December 2022.

Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَ lets us know in the Quran, that the greatest woman ever created was Maryam عليها السلام, mother of Isa عليه السلام, and she was a single mother. She is the epitome of a role model for women of all time. What defines her as a great woman, is not that she was married and a good wife, or a good sister, which are all very important, but that she was qaanitaat (obedient to Allah), and Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَ chose her and purified her and chose her over the women of all the worlds (Al-e-Imran 42).

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Might & Light Maryam's Single Motherhood / "I find solace in how Allah commemorates Maryam (as) for her difficult trials and her patience. She was not a thing forgotten by Him. He Sees, He Knows, He Loves."

Finding Solace in Maryam (as): Testimony of a Single Mother

This article was published as part of Masjid Rabata’s Annual Maryam (as) Seminar, Might and Light: Maryam’s Single Motherhood, December 2022.

Maryam (as) didn’t sign up for a birthing plan. And for those of us who suddenly, or gradually, find ourselves in the role of single motherhood know the pain that comes with shattered dreams of the home we envisioned for our young ones.

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