
Might & Light Maryam's Single Motherhood / "I will not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labour's [in My way], male or female, each of you is like the other, equal in reward..." Quran 3:195

Beauty in the Struggle: Testimony of a Single Mother

This article was published as part of Masjid Rabata’s Annual Maryam (as) Seminar, Might and Light: Maryam’s Single Motherhood, December 2022.

As I look back at my son’s formative years as a single mother, I have to admit I don’t know how I did it but it got done, wa lillahil hamd! One thing is for certain though, is that Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى is Most Sublime and All Aware. The hadith of the Prophet ﷺ comes to mind in which he states,

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Quote by Ribaat Academic Institute "Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves." Quran 2:222 (Image of a flower floating gently in a stream)

The Essence of Purity

Across centuries, cultures, and continents, the world’s major faith traditions have at least one thing in common: the use of water for purification. Purification rituals using water are seen in Islam in a number of ways, as well as in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Baha’ism, and others. Purification rituals are commonly required before worship or after performing certain actions, particularly human acts such as eating, defecating, or having sexual relations. Certain body parts and bodily excretions, as well as sins, are also seen as needing purification.

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Ribaat Academic Institute February 2023 Student Of The Month Uripah Samikun (Image of female Muslim student of the month)

Student of the Month – February

Uripah Samikun, raised in Indonesia and currently residing in Durham, NC, started Ribaat classes with the support and encouragement of her husband during the Spring 2022 semester. She registered in hopes of attaining a better understanding of Allah’s Words for herself and her teaching efforts, with the intention of pursuing a Tajwid certificate. Now, she cannot help but find her eyes glancing toward the Teacher certificate, as well.

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Image of a white building in the winter time, frozen icicles draping down the front of the building and the words Ribaat Academic Institute are written in the color purple

After the Freeze

An icy freeze can be quite harsh. Many living things are not able to survive it. Others die a little bit, holding on to just enough life to regrow again once the freeze is over. A freeze can also be a beautiful thing to behold, at once somber and silent, foretelling a chance for a stronger, brighter future.  

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Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World

It was a cold winter day and bits of icy snow were still falling on the windshield. I was in the passenger seat of our station wagon and my mother’s mouth was set in “stress.” She said, “When we go inside, you will hear me apologize for being late, and blaming the snow. This is a white lie. We shouldn’t ever lie. But if I don’t, I might lose the appointment.” I was a little bit in awe—my mother was about to lie. I walked into the hair salon with ears and eyes paying close attention. And she did mumble something to the receptionist about our precarious ride to the shop, after which we were hustled over to a waiting space and quickly given our turns.

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Student of the Month – December

Born and raised in Wisconsin, USA, Maryam Marie LaConte is a mother and grandmother who has lived in many different places over the course of her 72 years. She attributes her most important experiences to her twelve years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 1986 to 1998, where she worked and embraced Islam. She was able to study tajweed and Arabic while there, and is now returning to traditional studies after retirement through the Ribaat Academic Institute. 

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Time to Get Caught Up!

It’s that time of term again. Registration has quieted down, questions and calls asking for information about courses have trickled to just a few here and there, and the work of scholarship is in full swing. As we in the administrative offices plan for next term, next year, and beyond, this term’s classes are ongoing in the background, and as I stroll through the virtual halls of Ribaat, I can hear the buzzing of teachers teaching, students learning, and keyboards clicking. 

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