Education Begets Transformation: A Look into the Ribaat Immersion Retreat Experience

The Ribaat Immersion Retreat is more than just a course; it is an experience that embodies the entire spirit of the Ribaat Academic Institute. Every year, it brings together women from diverse backgrounds, ages, cultures, and countries to engage in a shared journey of learning, spiritual growth, worship, and sisterhood. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of community, knowledge, and spiritual renewal, all of which are central to Ribaat’s mission. The retreat creates a space where women can build lifelong friendships and support networks, and many attendees leave with spiritual rejuvenation, and a renewed sense of sisterhood and community.

In a world where distractions are endless and life moves quickly, the retreat offers space to reconnect with oneself, with others, and with the Divine. This year, nestled in the scenic surroundings and the off-the-grid lifestyle of Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center, women stepped away from the chaos of their daily lives and immersed themselves in a thoughtfully structured environment where spiritual, intellectual, and communal growth are prioritized. A microcosm of Ribaat’s holistic approach to education, there is a notable emphasis on not just the acquisition of knowledge, but the transformation of the individual. At Ribaat, education is seen as a means to elevate the mind, body, and soul, and this annual retreat reflects that. 

This year’s theme was particularly profound, focusing on history, starting with the time of the Khulafa’ into the modern era. Attendees immersed themselves into the richness of Islamic heritage and walked away with a deeper appreciation for the legacy of leadership, justice, and spirituality left by our predecessors. This was not four days dedicated to learning facts or memorizing historical dates; it was about understanding how the past informs the present, and how history can be a source of inspiration and guidance for our spiritual and personal growth.

In creating a truly holistic experience, the Ribaat team and administration reflected on what a typical day at the retreat should look like, ensuring a harmonious balance between spiritual practices, practical applications, and educational sessions. The day begins before Fajr (dawn prayer) with tahajjud (night supererogatory prayer) in congregation. During tahajjud, participants are introduced to various prayers and adhkār (litanies of remembrance), which they can adopt into their own routines to enhance their personal spiritual practices. Following tahajjud, we pray Fajr together, followed by a morning program that includes uplifting and joyous nashīd and recitation of the Quran. This early morning ritual serves as a powerful spiritual grounding, preparing the participants for the day’s activities and reinforcing the significance of beginning each day with the remembrance of Allah. This immersive morning routine helps us establish the spiritual rhythm set in the early hours of the morning.

From there, attendees have a chance to rest before they head to breakfast. Mealtimes hold a special place during the retreat, as they provide an opportunity for attendees to bond with each other, but also with the leadership. The Anisāt (teachers) and the retreat team make it a point to sit with different groups, getting to know the participants on a more personal level. In a time when access to authentic scholarship is limited, these moments offer women the rare chance to connect with women scholars, discussing their lives, receiving advice, and making space for tarbiyah over a meal. 

The academic component of the retreat follows, with a series of classes and hands-on activities. Through these classes, participants gain a deeper understanding of Islamic history, challenging any misconceptions they may have had and fostering a renewed sense of pride in their heritage. There was a palpable thirst for knowledge this year, as many attendees realized how much of their history they had yet to explore. The knowledge shared in these sessions is not just intellectual; it is deeply spiritual, as it helps participants see the relevance of Islamic history in their personal lives and their roles as Muslim women in today’s world. This intellectual and spiritual awakening is one of the core goals of the retreat, as it aims to inspire participants to continue their journey of learning long after the retreat has ended.

Offering more than just an educational experience, retreaters often describe the retreat as a source of profound spiritual nourishment, enabling them to return to their daily lives with a reinvigorated sense of purpose and dedication to their faith. It provides a unique opportunity for reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth, which can be challenging to achieve amidst everyday demands. While participants may leave physically tired from the intensive schedule and late-night prayers, they consistently feel spiritually refreshed. The retreat is a transformative experience where women gather to learn, grow, worship, and forge meaningful connections. It blends intellectual and spiritual development, encouraging participants to not only gain knowledge but also integrate it into their personal and communal lives. The retreat is a reminder that education is not just about learning facts; it is about transforming oneself and, by extension, transforming one’s community.

Anse Maha Gaafar, Rabata Higher Education Administrator

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