Now or Never: Make NaNoWriMo Your Year

Now or Never: Make NaNoWriMo Your Year

So you’ve hit some type of milestone in your life. This milestone caused a little flickering or a full out bonfire of enlightenment to shower on your senses (ouch, careful – you’re still flammable). You’ve decided the best way to embrace these flickers and flames is to write a book. A fictional novel. A creative non-fiction how-to book or compilation of poems. Perhaps a memoir or an academic research project. Maybe you’ve had this nagging feeling for awhile and haven’t felt the motivation to pen the thoughts to paper…yet.

Quick! Keep this decision on the forefront of the upcoming month of November. November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is a nonprofit organization that truly believes your story should be told. The platform is completely on the internet and reaches a global audience. This project aims to channel your creativity, yes yours, so you can begin the journey of debuting a full blown manuscript.

The goal is to write a 50 thousand word manuscript, or work towards one, the entire month. At Daybreak Press, we’re here to make this goal into a reality. We’ll be here all month with helpful blog articles, YouTube videos and motivational bursts to keep the momentum going in hopes that your dreams, angst, and fortitude can fall beautifully into a platform that can reach others in the world and evoke a sense of belonging, connection and empathy.

Who is Daybreak Press? We are a publishing company which provides a platform for female writers to enrich the world one story at a time, by promoting their voices in literary and scholarly works that are sound, inspirational, and socially conscious.

To start with, get a plan together. Pick one idea of a book that has been tickling the back of your neck or think of what’s been missing on the library bookshelves when you’re off to browse for a good holiday read. Now that you’ve decided on the what, let’s begin together to work on the how. Create a table of contents or outline your manuscript into a blueprint of words. Don’t worry, these terms sound funny because it may be that you want to write from the heart (and so you shall), but when there’s a framework in place, your heart’s work has an easier time falling in.

Your manuscript is a blank canvas. The canvas dimensions are set. Pick up some colors and characters, sniff out some paint brushes and oils and let’s hit the road for NaNoWriMo!


Afshan Malik

[written after dumping two toddlers into a bubble bath which ensued after a potty training accident that was aggravated after a glass plate catapulted off the kitchen island and broke because someone decided they had to reach for a still-dead iPad…and yes, we’re still tracking labor contractions on a handy dandy app because oh what fun it is to know that there’s no end in sight]

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