The Light at the End of the Tunnel of Trees: My Qur’an Journey by Sakeena Ahmed

This is an acrylic painting that I made for my final project of my Ribaat Academic Institute Tajwid class that I was enrolled in this semester with Anse Dr. Saadia Mian. It depicts the ever changing seasons of life that we all go through. The Qur’an is the light at the end of the tunnel that we all aim to reach and that adds calm and peace to our lives no matter what season we are passing through in life. May we all add Qur’an to our lives and strengthen our relationship with it, either by reading it, reciting it, teaching it, listening to it, pondering over it, or memorizing it. 🤲🏾

My Qur’an Journey continues everyday alhamdulillah and I am so grateful for my Ribaat classes that have helped me on my journey.

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