Ribaat Student of the Month – July 

The multi-talented, multi-faceted, life-long learner Eva Sasa seeks any opportunity for growth and development she can find. So, in the summer of 2020, when two separate friends shared information about Rabata, Eva could not help but delve deeper. She started attending the Masjid Rabata weekly Qiyam, where she fell in love with the dhikr and atmosphere.  Knowing she found her community, she soon registered for her first classes with the Ribaat Academic Institute.

Hailing from Milan, Italy originally, and now from a homestead in the tiny state of Rhode Island, Eva Sasa has spent her life in a constant state of learning. As a result, she boasts a robust resume of diverse certifications and experiences, including Italian studies, International Relations and NonProfit Management, Montessori Teaching degrees, Holistic Nutrition, Doula training and more. Eva believes deeply that “gaining knowledge is a duty for us because it is empowering, and that Allah wants the umma to be empowered.” It is no surprise then that when the chance arose for additional spiritual tarbiya and Islamic knowledge, Eva could not resist.

Not only does she have an incredible commitment to personal development, but she continuously gives back to the community around her, sharing her endless expertise when possible. Eva can be found all around neighboring towns and beyond, giving of her precious time to Girl Scouts, 4-H, interfaith efforts, the Sisterhood of Salaam-Shalom where she serves as a co-lead, writing for local blogs, and innumerable other avenues, including virtual volunteering with Rabata as a Rabateer.

Eva believes her Rabateer work is the little bit she can do to give back to the organization that has given her so much. While having spent years studying Islam, learning from women unlocked this treasure of connection that she did not find elsewhere. She credits each of the Anisaat and their classes for opening a piece of her spirituality and understanding, whether it be Anse Shehnaz awakening the true love of the Rasul salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or the constant guidance and connection to Anse Tamara. In particular, Eva felt a profound shift in her spiritual development from Anse Marah and her Purification classes, allowing her to access and clean the far recesses of her heart.

As Eva continues homeschooling her youngest child, offering homeschool consultations, and volunteering wherever and whenever she can, she also hopes to soon complete the Ribaat Teacher Certification, inshaAllah. In her other interests, she loves to read, watch SciFi or documentaries on History and Science, and write. Through all that she does, Eva also serves as an exemplary steward of the earth, tending to her homestead, making goat’s milk soap and cheese, and hiking the scenic spaces of Rhode Island.

May Allah ta’ala continue to use Eva and all her skills to bring forth positive cultural change in her community and beyond. May He ta’ala place immense barakah in her time, and allow her to continue her studies and complete her certifications. 

1 thought on “Ribaat Student of the Month – July ”

  1. Cheryl Alsasah

    Mashallah well-deserved recognition for a remarkable sister,mother and friend.
    May Allah continue to bestow his blessing to her and her family.
    She inspires without even knowing.

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