Student of the Month: A Journey of Rediscovery and Devotion

This month, we are delighted to feature an inspiring student from Bandung, Indonesia, Asti Surakusumah, who has embraced her Islamic studies journey through Ribaat, dedicating her time to deepening her knowledge and understanding of the deen.

Hailing from Bandung, a picturesque city in the highlands of West Java known for its cool climate and beautiful surroundings, our featured student has found peace and purpose in her decision to take a career break. Previously working in finance, she felt a shift in her priorities during the pandemic and decided to focus on spending more time with her parents and immersing herself in the study of Islam.

Currently, Asti lives with her aging parents, a blessing she cherishes after having lived far from them for over two decades. Her family is completed by her younger sister, brother, and a delightful 4-year-old niece who brings much joy and warmth to their home.

Although she isn’t actively involved in community or dawah work, she takes every opportunity to share the ‘gems’ of knowledge she gains with her friends and family, making a meaningful impact within her circle.

Ribaat Journey

Asti’s Ribaat journey began almost three years ago, in the spring of 2022, when a dear sister from her Muslimah community introduced her to Rabata. Since then, she has been continuously enrolled in courses, each one leaving a lasting impression on her heart and mind.

Choosing a favorite class has been difficult for her, as each one has offered unique insights and inspiration. Some of the courses that have had a profound impact on her include:

The Prophets: Lives & Lessons (AQD103 & AQD104): Asti says, “Masha Allah, these classes were mind-blowing! I cried, laughed, and felt awed throughout. They were incredibly inspiring, Alhamdulillah.”

FQH101: This class transformed her perspective on fiqh, sparking an excitement to delve deeper into the subject. She was struck by the beauty of fiqh and how its rulings and the diverse opinions reflect Allah’s boundless love.

TAF101: This course holds a special place in her heart. She felt that every class was a direct answer to her duas, a class about love—His Love. She joined the class in Fall ’22 and has been attending ever since, making a heartfelt dua to be blessed with the ability to take this class for a lifetime.

When asked which Anse has been the most influential, Asti finds it impossible to choose just one. Each teacher has left a lasting impression, and she feels blessed to have learned from Anse Farhana, Anse ‘Alimatunnisa, and Anse Eamaan. She was particularly grateful for the opportunity to meet Anse ‘Alimatunnisa and Anse Eamaan in person during the Malaysia Retreat last year and hopes to one day meet Anse Farhana in person as well.

Her Ribaat Experience

For her, Ribaat has been nothing short of an answered dua. Born Muslim, she realized a few years ago that her understanding of Islam had only scratched the surface. Feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge she needed to catch up on, Ribaat provided her with the structure and guidance she was seeking.

The ability to customize her studies according to her interests and the support of a sisterhood striving together in Allah’s path has been life-changing. The Pilgrims At Home challenge and the retreat were especially meaningful experiences, allowing Asti to connect with fellow students and deepen her spiritual journey.

Impact on Her Life

Through Ribaat, she has undergone a profound transformation in how she thinks and approaches her faith. Despite being familiar with Islamic practices as a born Muslim in the country with the world’s largest Muslim population, Asti realized that she lacked a deeper understanding of the reasons behind those practices. Ribaat has given her a greater understanding of Allah’s love, and this has fundamentally changed how she views her faith and life.

The PUR101 class, in particular, was an eye-opener, helping her gain a better understanding of her nafs (self) and how to purify her heart. She describes Ribaat as a “rope” that Allah has blessed her with to keep her afloat while navigating the trials of this dunya.

Goals for Islamic Studies

Her ultimate goal is to study all of the Islamic courses offered by Ribaat and to continue learning as a lifelong journey. She hopes to retake classes over and over again to further solidify her knowledge, InshaAllah.

Outside of her studies, she is an avid reader with a love for nature and coffee. She also has a strong interest in psychology. As an introvert, she finds noisy environments overwhelming and dislikes waiting or cigarette smoke.

Her journey with Ribaat has been transformative, and she hopes to inspire others to embrace lifelong learning in the path of Allah. As she continues on this journey, she prays that Allah will bless her with further opportunities to grow in her understanding of the deen and remain connected with this enriching community of teachers and students. Amīn.

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