Uripah Samikun, raised in Indonesia and currently residing in Durham, NC, started Ribaat classes with the support and encouragement of her husband during the Spring 2022 semester. She registered in hopes of attaining a better understanding of Allah’s Words for herself and her teaching efforts, with the intention of pursuing a Tajwid certificate. Now, she cannot help but find her eyes glancing toward the Teacher certificate, as well.
As a full-time stay-at-home mom for the past 16 years to three sons, Uripah says she found it to be a “life-changing experience to be in the Ribaat family”. In particular, she expounds that while all her teachers have been amazing, her recitation teacher, Anse Serine Sati, has elevated her experience.
Uripah shares about Anse Serine: “She not only listened and corrected my recitation but she also helped me connect emotionally with the Qur’an. She is, Masha Allah, so gentle and kind in how she speaks. She always encourages me to keep going even if I can only read one ayah. May Allah bless and preserve her and allow many to benefit from her. Ameen.”
Not only does Uripah benefit from the Ribaat classes, but she seized the opportunity to join the Rabata Padawan Halaqah in October. She reflects on the beneficial lessons from her halaqah teacher, Anse Amena, on the topic of time and taking note of how we spend it. The reminder motivated her so much that she says, “The next day I started jotting down my daily routine and seeing how much time I spend preparing for my hereafter and the time I spend for things that don’t really matter. Subhan’Allah may Allah put barakah in the remaining of our time and help us accomplish many good things before He calls us back, ameen.”
When not studying at Ribaat or attending halaqah, Uripah can be found teaching online with the Youth Tahsin Program for girls with IMSA (Indonesian Muslim Society in America) or enjoying nature and spending time with friends, family, and her husband and three sons. While she intends to continue her Arabic and Tajwid studies, and potentially other courses at Ribaat, Uripah will also be starting her own catering business insha’Allah!
Ma sha Allah tabarak arRahman, recognition well deserved! She’s an amazing mom, wife, and friend! Praying she achieves all the best of dunya and Akhira