
When women join the Rabata volunteer team, they become Rabateers! Rabata is honored to host a growing network of Rabata volunteers from around the world. Rabata’s volunteer coordinator helps maintain the relationship between individuals and the fun projects they can get involved with based on their own unique skills and interests. More than 300 women from all parts of the world are coming together and finding a way to create positive cultural change.
To become a Rabata volunteer, visit the volunteer form page.

Being a Rabateer has been such a big blessing in my life; it has given me a sense of community, purpose, and personal development. I am always blown away by the amount of work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes and it is an inspiration for me to see the degree of excellence that is strived for. Rabata is my place of refuge and it is such an honor to be able to contribute to this beautiful organization. Alhamdulillah I am so grateful for having Rabata in my life.

Rabata is a community I longed for, for so long—a space by women, for women, full of warmth, smiles, and a nurturing environment. Alhamdulillah, we don’t have to travel to Syria or Mauritania for traditional Islamic learning. With Anse Tamara and Ribaat Academic Institute, we have this sacred knowledge right here, both online and in-person. Living just 12 minutes from Rabata Cultural Center is such a blessing, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity.
In the hardest times—especially during my daughter’s health struggles—Rabata became my pillar of hope. I would walk in feeling heavy and leave reminded of Allah’s wisdom and mercy. Listening to Anse Tamara teach about Rasulullah (ﷺ) and the Sahaba gave me perspective and strength to keep going.
Rabata has been a refuge, a beacon of light, and a place to belong. Alhamdulillah, I’m so blessed to be part of this community.

Thanks to the Rabata community, I now have role models in smart, funny and joyful women of taqwa whom I get to call my teachers. Being a Rabateer makes me happy that I get to help more sisters around the world have access to them and their sacred knowledge. There’s also so much to learn from how much ihsan is present in the way things are run behind the scenes. I just can’t thank Rabata enough!

Alhamdulillah, I am so grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Rabata. It has had a profound impact on my life over the past few years. It has been an honor to be involved with the Rabata Masjid since its inception in 2020.
Also, the Rabata Tahajjud groups have provided invaluable support to numerous sisters, including myself. I pray sincerely for the continued success and growth of Rabata, hoping that it will continue to serve and blossom for generations to come. May Allah ﷻ continue to put barakah in Rabata and in the lives of all those who have made it what it is today.

Volunteering for Rabata is like a balm for my heart. There is so much wisdom, love and comfort pouring in from all corners of the globe during each gathering, class, and halaqa. You yearn to soak it all in!
To be able to be a part of these circles of light, from different lenses, has been an immense blessing and very humbling. Few realize (past me, included) just how much work, and dedication it takes behind-the-scenes.
As a Rabateer, you get to learn from and serve alongside some incredibly inspirational women who are a treasure trove of strength, knowledge and talents. Always generous and patient in sharing their expertise, tech finesse and fun GIFs. May Allah always protect Rabata and use it to strengthen the Ummah!

I love volunteering with Rabata because it has profoundly impacted my life, and I’m passionate about helping extend that same positive change to women around the world. Our teachers pour so much into us, it gives me immense satisfaction to help share that transformative experience with others. Through our collective efforts, I hope we can nurture an extraordinary generation of daughters, mothers, and grandmothers, all empowered as female Islamic scholars.

As a Rabateer, I am deeply humbled and honored to contribute in a small way to a courageous movement of Muslim women striving for Allah’s ﷻ pleasure. Working on the Convert Care survey under the leadership of Anisat Eman Manigat and Leanna Abdelmaged not only enabled me to draw upon my professional background, but also and most importantly, it has allowed me to learn from God-conscious and exemplary women.

I joined Rabata as a student when my kids were little. I was delighted to find a community of women seeking knowledge in a space that was welcoming and non-judgemental. As I grew with Rabata (and so did my kids) I decided to take the leap and become a Rabateer! The women I work with are full of positivity and grounded in faith. I feel honored to be in their company and am always learning from them. Rabata has truly been an answer to many duas.

Rabata was the community that I prayed for since I began my journey towards Allah in 2006. It was the door and bridge to a plethora of brilliant women scholars which I never thought I would have accessed to my whole life. It changed my view, my mind and my life. I started volunteering in Ramadan because there was a strong urge to give back to the community that helped me build a strong foundation of my faith. It has been a beautiful and blessed journey with all my senior Rabateers showing me the ropes. By serving the community, I feel very much alive and connected to Allah SWT.

I was looking for a place where I can learn, improve and build long-lasting relationships with Muslimahs and I found all of that and more with Rabata. From my classes, to halaqas to the Qiyams, it is a spiritual fill all week.

I feel so lucky and grateful to live near Rabata. My volunteer journey began slowly—I’d come early to help set up or stay late to clean up after events. When I joined the Sister Social Committee, I started volunteering more. I loved planning activities for us Muslim sisters to bond over.
During nursing school, I often studied at Rabata. Whenever the store clerks needed help, especially if I hit a study hump, I stepped in. I’m there so often that we joke I work at Rabata! People often ask me questions about the bookstore and events.
Being at Rabata surrounded by my Muslim sisters calms my heart, especially on tough days. I feel blessed to have found Rabata, and I’ll keep doing my best to help out wherever I can.

For years, I remained oblivious to my need to serve others. Through Rabata and Rabateering, I truly understand what it means to serve others, and to do so gracefully, cheerfully and timely!
I naively thought volunteering would mean my assisting others, but in essence, the entire experience has helped me- it has enriched me, humbled me, taught me, and uplifted me. Volunteering has connected me to a beautiful community that teaches me something every day and for that, I am so grateful!

It has been such a privilege and honour to start volunteering a few years ago. At the time, I was focused on feeding my family with a new career, but I had not realised how much my soul needed the nourishment of my time spent Rabateering.
I find blessings in everything I take part in as a volunteer: connecting with other students inspires me, working in the company of other Rabateers and Anisaat helps me learn and grow, being committed to a class or task helps me balance my life… and so much more.
It also means being an ambassador for Ribaat and Rabata–being a face and a voice for this beautiful organization at times. Not only do I witness first-hand what positive cultural change means and looks like, but it also deeply transforms me, and helps me embody this in other areas of my life, alhamdulillah.
May Allah ﷻ keep on pouring His blessings on Ribaat and Rabata.

Volunteering with Rabata, I’ve been inspired by the undeniable force of female scholarship in shaping our world. From cross-cultural and multi-faith engagements to leadership development, I’ve witnessed the game-changing impact of women’s voices.
Rabata is not just reviving sidelined female narratives; they’re driving pivotal positive cultural change. This journey reaffirmed my mission: to amplify the voices that truly matter.

I’m so grateful and honored for having the opportunity to give back to the community in ways that I have only dreamed about before. I get to meet amazing, talented and inspiring women from all over the world, and it’s truly been an uplifting yet humbling experience. May Allah accept our efforts and continue to bless this factory of giving that is Rabata. Ameen.

Being a volunteer at Rabata has been an honor. I have learned and grown while giving back to the community at Rabata. Rabata is my favorite spot in town. It’s a place that feeds my soul. I love the sisterhood at Rabata.

Rabata gives me purpose. Everyone sincerely cares about you here. It’s a true sisterhood. Rabata has grown so much and I feel like I am a part of that rising tide of Muslim women Anse Tamara talks about.

I love being a Rabateer because I get to put gratitude into action. Rabata offered me solace, spiritual upliftment, and light when I needed it most.
It felt necessary to contribute to this luminous force, out of my deep gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala for sending me this blessing.

I love being a Rabateer because I get the opportunity to give back to an organization that changed my life. Rabata helped me strengthen and renew my faith, learn and grow within Islam, and be a part of an amazing worldwide sisterhood!

Volunteering at Rabata has been a transformative and deeply meaningful experience for me. It has provided me with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment, shaping my personal growth and perspective on life in countless ways. Being part of Rabata has allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who share a common passion for personal and spiritual development. The Rabata community has become a supportive network, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. I have formed deep and meaningful friendships, expanding my social circle with individuals who inspire and challenge me to be the best version of myself. Rabata has broadened my perspective on spirituality, encompassing Islamic traditions, and practices. Exposing myself to Islamic perspectives and Prophetic teachings has expanded my understanding of the world and deepened my connection to Allah. Volunteering Rabata has provided me with a platform to integrate Islamic values and beliefs into action. By actively living and embodying the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (SAW), I have been able to make a positive difference not only in my own life but also in the lives of those around me.

I started taking classes with Ribaat in 2021. It was life-changing elhamdulilah! I wanted to volunteer since last year, but wondered to myself what I could do to help and hesitated. I am so glad I finally jumped into the Rabateering world. It was the least I could do to be a part of this life-changing organization. It’s a new world that opened up to me and I love the support from our different leaders, I love feeling that I belong to this wonderful organization with all these talented women mashaAllah. Each one of them is so unique. I love the connection we have with other volunteers and our different leaders. We are here to support and help others students, and while doing this, we have all the support and love from the staff. That is amazing! When I was taking Ribaat classes, it was just me, my work, and my homework and I loved that. I am still taking class of course, but being Rabateer brings even more interactions and fills my heart much more elhamdulilah. I love and I pray that I will keep doing this for a long, long time.
So if you are thinking about volunteering with Rabata and are hesitating, just jump into it! It’s so, so worth it and you will love to work around all that positivity!

Rabata is truly an answered dua. In Rabata, I have found a home where I am safe to learn and grow into the best version of myself. All my life, I’ve struggled to find my place as an American Muslim woman, a place that would embrace me as I am and help me grow in knowledge and confidence, alhamdulilah for Rabata and Ribaat!
Being a Rabateer means giving back to the organization that has undoubtly become my anchor. I absolutely love helping students in class as an admin and also genuinely enjoy working behind the scenes with all the amazing Anisaat who run this remarkable organization. I’ve become a walking-talking billboard for Rabata, telling people about my journey and encouraging them to try out a class or an event. I pray that every women finds the safety, love and support I’ve found here. I’m truly humbled and grateful to be a Rabateer.

“And He found you lost and guided (you).”
This beautiful ayah from Surah Ad-Duha is the summery of my dua, begging Allah subḥānahu wataʿālā for a purpose that would connect me to Him for more years then I would like to admit.
Rabata is the answer to the purpose I was looking for. The love, support, encouragement, laughs, motivation, spiritual growth that Rabata and all the women who are a part of this humbling organization offer, is what every woman should experience in their life.
I am a better daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend, human and most importantly servant of Allah subḥānahu wataʿālā and lover of His Beloved ﷺ because of Rabata.

During covid I suddenly found myself living at home with my non-Muslim family in a country I had never lived as a Muslim. I was isolated, overwhelmed, and did not know how to do it all alone. I made so many duas for Allah to strengthen my faith and to bring me good company. And alhamdulillah, Allah brought me Rabata and Rabateering!
Being a Rabateer has completely shaped my life: I would not be living in Minnesota if it wasn’t for being a Rabateer; very often I spend more time on my rabateering tasks than other obligations, but being a Rabateer brings with it so much baraka that I somehow get it all done!
I have benefitted immensely from all branches of Rabata, but being a Rabateer in particular brought me community. It brought me to a community of growth, a community that makes me stretch myself, a community of love. Rabateering is an answered dua!

I love being a Rabateer because of the soul enriching environment and people.
I believe in the vision of empowering women by making positive cultural changes all over the world. Rabata has taught me how to fall in love with our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by following in his footsteps. I am proof that calling others to increase in Islamic knowledge helps light up this dunya.

I love being a Rabateer because it gives me a sense of community. It allows me to use my current skills and other new skills that I’m acquiring for various projects. In the end, it is very fulfilling for me.
I always feel joy, a sense of purpose, and contentment because I’m in a group of like-minded sisters. Working with my Rabateer sisters has developed a closeness and understanding between us, which is a blessing from Allah SWT.

I volunteer at Rabata out of gratitude. Masjid Rabata’s programs have helped sustain me through some difficult times alhamdulillah, so when the opportunity to volunteer opened up, I couldn’t not take it. I feel blessed to be part of such a joyful and loving environment, alhamdulillah.

I love being a Rabateer because I am able to support Rabata’s growth and give back to new sisters the love and care that was given to me when I first joined Rabata.

I love being a Rabateer because I get to give back to the organization that helped me beautify my deen. I have the opportunity to work with and learn from amazing sisters!